Sunday 5 February 2012

Write For Your Life!

Katelyn Mardellos
4761 Narnia Ave
Penticton, BC
V2A 3V3                                                                                         February 3, 2012

O Captain, My Captain,

          I feel I should live because my parents are always busy. Every now and again, I have no choice but to cook for my brother and myself and babysit him until my parents return home. But I do also have a life that I would like live outside of home. Since my parents usually return late, I must take care of my brother. Every once in a blue moon I'll leave my brother with my adviser Sir Montle, and let me tell ya, not a good thing.. I can't leave my 11 year old brother, Mike, with Sir Montle without him getting nightmares. I don't know what Montle does, but Mike has nightmares after spending not even 10 minutes with him. Why I trust Montle with Mike I don't know, but it relieves me knowing that when my dear friend Cereza isn't busy at work or off running errands, she keeps both of them in line making sure my adviser does nothing idiotically stupid. Montle's like a bloody 3 year old child, wild and messy. Cereza on the other hand though, is a waterfall, serene and peaceful. I don't know what I'd do without her in all honesty.
          I ask that you save my brother's life by letting me live so  I can watch over him and marry Prince Willy, or as I like to call him just to tease him, Willy Wonka! My Auntie Dean has also asked that I help her in Britain for awhile due to the fact that my Uncle is very sick. My mom has to learn how to take over since she is the heir of course so she will be gone for a long time while my dad is going to be on a lot of business trips. I know a few.. VERY unfriendly Nazi vampire terrorists.. My great friend Ms. Nightmare, is a part of that family and let me tell you, you really don't want to mess with that family or any.. good friends of theirs. If I remember correctly, the last person that messed with them were instantly sent to a guillotine. It's as if the Red Queen is in charge saying "OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!" every time a wrong move is made. Kinda scary thinking about it, but for all we know, she IS the leader which is not at all good. So please Captain, I ask of you to save me so I can be there to support my heartbroken 11 year old brother.. He cannot live on his own and I'm his last hope on survival. I'd leave him with Prince Willy but he is a Prince after all so he'll be quite busy with his duties. Cereza as well is very busy herself and I don't want my sweet brother Mike living with nightmares the rest of his life so please grant me life so I can help him survive this cold place we call Earth. That's all I ask Captain.


 Katelyn Mardellos.